We Create Projects about Things that Matter to Us

Coding Magic Club
Spring 2023

NOTE: Some of these games are still being developed. Please be patient if features are not implemented yet 👷 🚧 😊

For best experience, run these games on a computer preferably in a Chrome browser not on a mobile device.

Click on each picture to play the game on Scratch

All projects here require access to Webcam. Make sure you click on Allow access to Webcam in your Chrome browser.

We care about our pets and animals and we like being funny with our words 🤣

We care about keeping our beaches clean

We care about communicating with people who speak different languages

We care about what we put in our bodies

Activists created these games in a coding club with Teacher Lana 🧑🏻‍🏫

Copyright © 2023 Mindful Coding Cats, LLC.

All rights reserved.